Life aboard Tropical Horizons is always a welcome break from our everyday lives on land and in the proverbial rat race. We always manage to enjoy our weekends regardless of what the weather throws at us. It seems that this year has been abnormally cool and wet but that doesn't matter, time on the boat is always relaxing for us even if it is spent on the aft deck reading a book, in the engine room checking over things, adding features and upgrading systems or just having a nap. We love time on the boat and this past vacation week was no exception. We took Tropical Horizons out to the fuel dock to top off the tanks, and pump out the holding tank and ended up taking a friend out for an unplanned cruise towards Belleville. Later that week we shared a dinner with friends and made new friends as the "Loopers" started making their way up the Trent Severn Waterway.

This past week the Loopers that we met really did give Karen and I a strong desire to make things happen. We've joined the American Great Loop Cruisers Association and have put our name down as a Harbor Host for both Trenton and Ottawa as our time is spent between both locations offering help to those who are completing the Great Loop. Many thanks to the crews of "Shell Belle", "Cork Screw", "Bad Habit"," " and "Heaven to Betsy" among a few for your encouragement and for taking the time to answer our questions about leaving land life behind in exchange for a life afloat.

The week also had us taking part in a Canada Day Flotilla that our friends Katherine and Norm organized. This was a fun way to take part in the festivities, I think this may become a yearly event for the Trent Port Marina "residents". The winds were a bit of a concern to both Karen and I, however; we got off of the dock safely and got back in without much fuss which was great as we had a captive audience. The day ended with some shared cocktails, and a spectacular fireworks display at night.

Finally on Sunday, the sun decided to grace us with an appearance and most of us took advantage of the clearing weather to wash down our boats. I still need to get up on the hardtop over the back deck and get that washed up along with the radar arch. That's a job for next weekend, along with finally routing the wires for the navigation lights on the arch.
Keeping in line with my commitment to blog actively and add to the video content on our YouTube channel, I'll have a video edit of the fireworks display from July 1st.